Prof. Dr. Draga Toncheva

Dr. Draga Toncheva

Prof. Draga Toncheva is a National Consultant for Medical Genetics and President of the Bulgarian Society for Genetics and Human Genomics. She is a member of the National Consultative Council for Rare Diseases to the Ministry of Health and Consultant at the Commission to the President of Republic of Bulgaria.

Prof. Toncheva is Chair of the Department of Medical Genetics in Medical University, Sofia, and Head of National Genomic Center for Socially Significant Diseases.

Prof. Draga Toncheva has been a member of international organizations, such as Scientific Program Committee of European Association in Human Genetics (ESHG), European Council of European Association of Human Cytogenetics (ECA), Member of the Board of Directors of COST, “EUROKUP”, multi-disciplinary network for European cooperation in the field of scientific-technological research, focused on translational proteomic  studies in kidney disease и член на международни консорциуми: •The International Schizophrenia Consortium; The Schizophrenia Psychiatric Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS) Consortium и др.

Prof. Draga Toncheva has been awarded Honourable plaque for the contribution to Tokyo Medical and Dental University (2006); Honorable Medal of  Institute Cantacusino, Romania; National Prize for distinguished scientist in biomedical science “Pitagor” (2010), МОМН; Honorable plaque „Signum Laudis“ of Medical University, Varna(2011 г.).

Prof. Toncheva is internationally acknowledged for her achievements in genome and translation medicine; psychiatric genetics and genomics; onco-genetics and genomics; population genetics and genomics; genetic, exome and expression tests of rare and wide spread diseases; genetic factors of embryogenesis and reproduction. Her research has been realized in collaboration with a number of leading genome centers, such as: Human Genome Center, Tokyo University, Japan; Riken Institute, Japan; Neuropsychiatric Genetics Unit, University of Wales College Of Medicine, Cardiff, UK.

Prof. Draga Toncheva is an author and co-author of 3 international, 8 Bulgarian books and 22 textbooks and has over 300 scientific publications.